Saturday, February 10, 2007

RSS Feeds

As I continue to do these exercises, I am continuously amazed by what we are now capable of doing on the Internet! With news aggregators, I often find that what I read in the newspaper is just a repeat of what I've already read the day before! Extraneous information seems to be a thing of the past! I wonder, however, if we are losing a broad knowledge about everyday events by depending upon personalized news. We might be missing out on news that the RSS feeds filter out from our information stream.

Well, back to business:
8. I have opened a Blogline account and added 11 RSS feeds. This was quite an exhaustive exercise; I had to spend quite a while looking for blogs that were current and topically interesting. The public Blogline account is:

9. This exercise might have been more helpful if it had come before number 8! I tried all the feeders and found Syndic8 the most useful! I used one topic in all the feeders and this one was the only one that pulled blogs that were most related to my topic.

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